November 21, 2001 Fellow Instructors: Download what you'd like off: 2 AutoCAD files showing professional examples of attributes. One is a "cleaned" Air Force Base map, where the airplane blocks are attributed for crew number, tail ID, etc. The other has an attributed titleblock for easy insertion of drafter, checker, etc. 3 or 4 completed drawings of machine parts, ready for your students to dimension. 4 or 5 AutoLISP files (freeware) that I force my students to load and use. Number places sequential numbers on a drawing. Areatx places the area of closed polylines. Grow and Shrink scale items .01 for fine adjusting. Cap capitalizes text. 2 drawings with ready-made titleblocks and borders: Asize and Bsize. Couple "standard" layers and textstyles included. I have my students insert them into Model of Paperspace. student-finals Folder of screen captures of the final projects my recent students made: trike, canoe frame, camper extension, piano keyoard, boat, bic pen, etc. -Paul